Dida GPT

Using AI purposefully built for restaurants, dida empowers owners to make impactful data-driven decisions based on their restaurant’s real performance.

Manage Your Restaurant with an AI GPT Powered Assistant, Dashboard, Alerts & More…

App Details

Darwinz Intelligent Dashboard & Analytics “dida” is a subscription-based service that provides you with the first-ever AI Powered GPT Assistant developed for restaurants, a powerful dashboard tool, AI alerts & suggestions along with a well-trained data analyst to help you make quick, insightful and impactful decisions based on your restaurant’s real data.

We don’t just show you insights, we guide you with suggested action points and important customer analysis that will help take your restaurant to the next level. We cover every aspect of your restaurant business, and provide you with a complete 360 view of your restaurant today and where it’s going tomorrow. dida is trusted by many of the leaders in the restaurant industry. Download dida for your restaurant now to benefit from the free demo!

App Features

  • Ask your personal AI GPT Assistant key questions about your restaurant 24/7
  • Get alerts, notifications & AI powered suggestions based on real performance
  • Customizable modules to address your restaurant’s specific needs
  • Elevate customer experience & loyalty with personalized offers
  • Forecast sales, minimize customer churn and optimize inventory
  • Know your customers and receive instant feedback and call for action
  • Enhance menu engineering, bundle creations and new item selection processes
  • Global customer support service
DidaGPT App Integration| Foodics Restaurant App Marketplace دمج تطبيق GPT ديدا مع فودكس سريع وفعال | متجر تطبيقات فودكس للمطاعم


Support Countries

Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

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App Screens​

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دمج تطبيق شوب برين مع فودكس سريع وفعال | متجر تطبيقات فودكس للمطاعم


Optimize Inventory & Procurement with help of AI